Wake up to live, NOW.
Wellness Coach. Yoga Teacher. Social and Emotional Educator.
Also, Mother, Wife, Sister, Aunt, Friend, Educator, Yoga Teacher, Yoga Student, Lover of Life, Queen of Positivity, are a few hats I wear. Adding dog mom- he’s all of six pounds and oh so much.
A little about my journey. I set off on my never-ending journey of yoga and self-discovery when my children went off to college. I had dabbled years before that, but could never find the time for me. I found myself feeling a little lost after having lovingly made my children, husband, family and career my world for so many years. Caring for and losing my dad, the center of my world, then caring for and watching dementia steal my best friend - my aunt, left me feeling depleted and sad. Not to mention the death of my mom when I was 19 years old. I was doing all the things I thought I was supposed to be doing, often found myself stretched way too thin, and had no idea if I was coming or going. Following along, thinking I was making this one happy and that one proud and living life as I ‘thought’ I knew it to be. I was happy, sad, exhausted, doing a million different things for everyone else. I didn’t even understand the concept of taking care of myself and if you asked me how I was my response would be ‘ok.’ I was not and didn’t even know it.
I had practiced yoga and meditation here and there for years, and wanted to explore on a deeper level. I couldn’t seem to find the time. Crazy thing, once I found the time I still felt hesitation and had no idea where to begin. I questioned-am I the right shape and size, my clothes, my level of patience, my lack of knowledge of yoga. OMGosh I questioned and doubted everything. Looking back it had to look like I had lost my mind to so many. AND sitting here I realize all along I was learning to trust the process. See there really is a process to yoga and mindfulness. It takes a hold of us and pulls us along, in the most perfect way. Luckily, I went for it and never looked back. Best investment is the one in yourself.
I call it my mid-life crisis and it turned out to be the BEST ever. One class led to the next and I threw myself into yoga and meditation. When my second left for college I began my Yoga Teacher training at the age of 49. Truth is I learned the beauty of BEGINing where I was, and continue to do that over and over, as changes in my life are inevitable.
Yoga and meditation opened my eyes and heart to personal healing, - healing that I didn’t even know that I needed. The tears on the mat are real and so cathartic. It is like this beautiful cleanse, release of emotions, the letting go of all the ‘things’ we hold onto. We begin to learn to release them, one at a time, over time. We personally become that beautiful lotus that blooms right out of the mud. This, the lotus in my logo. Keep blooming baby, keep blooming. My self-esteem improved, not only from the physical strength, focus and changes to my body that I received from yoga, but from the emotional strength as well. The deep seated layers of guilt began to lift and I was able to experience increased happiness.
I learned yoga is much more than physical postures and found the principles of yoga and meditation so helpful and exhilarating. It was physically challenging and fun, increased my ability to remain flexible in my life, more resilient to change and an overall happier human being. Meditation has literally kept me sane and centered during the chaotic and most challenging times in my life.
Fast forward - to now. STOP- there is no fast forwarding. We are where we are. We can choose to stay there or take action that will create positive change in our life - no matter the circumstances at that time. I have experienced so much healing in my life through yoga and meditation and I continued to explore other healing modalities of reiki, yoga nidra and yin yoga. All of these practices will forever be a part of my life.
On this journey I have learned to experience happiness no matter what the situation in my life. These tools have helped me live my life be grateful for all the stages, phases, and seasons. I have learned to take better care of myself and that has allowed me to take better care of others. That is why I bring to you Elevate You Yoga and Wellness which is the product of my life’s journey, which continues to evolve, and learning how to use these tools to live your best life and take care of you, no matter the situation.
I invite you along this path of wellness with me. No one takes better care of you, than YOU!!
Elevate YOUrself ;)
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